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Old September 27th, 2004
Roadstar Roadstar is offline
Join Date: September 27th, 2004
Location: Liverpool
Posts: 3
Roadstar is flying high
Unhappy Problem Connecting to Limewire, Please Help!!!

I have been reading the messages regarding the problems about connecting and now seem to be having the same problem. I signed up yesterday to limewire and downloaded a couple of tunes, however when i went to re-connect today i could not. The red sharing icon flashes for a few seconds on green but does not connect. I feel this is something to do with my firewall but not sure Which is norton antivirus 2004.
I have read some of the previous messages and tried what was wriiten but with no joy, i cannot find the limewire preference folder. Please could somebody give me a more detailed report of how to get me up and running. I use cable(broadband). I am using XP HE.

Manny thanks.

Last edited by Roadstar; September 27th, 2004 at 03:29 PM.
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