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Old September 30th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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hey I missed what was going on here. Who can tell me how many nibbles = one mega byte? Who has the biggest mouth, lol. That's something I learnt back in my electronic days; just after they invented the wheel. (Reminds me of Monty Python & the square wheel.) As far as metric & Imperial, I went thru the changeover whilst I was at primary school so I don't have any probs with either. I still often convert back to imperial if I'm not sure depending on what it is. Some habits die hard.
Actually I haven't as yet got onto broadband (it's been ordered.) Should be within 2-3 weeks.

For dial-up b/c the upld & dwnld bandwidth is the same thing, you need to balance it so there's enough for both. Remember that using LW there's not going to be much more than about 6-7 KB/s available for both. One or 2 people uplding (I have it set to one so they're assured of a constant data flow. Though I generally have several people queuing up. I balance that out by only allowing 1 upld/person. Not sure if it applies here but anyway.) Upld bandwdth I'd suggest set to b/w 1.75 to just over 2. For dwnlding I have it set to 4 max dwnlds, however I wouldn't recommend that for everybody. I'd suggest starting with one/2 to see how that goes. I'd suggest use very high to max dwnld speed. You can make small variations of these settings for yourself to find what suits your setup the best. Disable UP capabilities. I once in a while increase my upld bandwidth to max to help someone out, but that's only after I've finished dwnlding something. Sharing 'really does' help with your your connection, etc.

What's important on dialup is to make greatest use of your resources. I share plenty of files (some people filter out those who don't share more than a certain no. - so with people uplding from me I can connect to more peers for better results & generally no probs connecting - unless they filter out dialup users.) Effective search & dwnld techniques are important (remember you don't have too much bandwidth to play around with) see this link for some hints. Try not to force resume files unless you really need to. If your LW backup prefs still recognise them, then their dwnld % will remain intact. Instead search Gnutella for resources & reselect the file to dwnld. Force resume will cause the file to continually search out for resources & if you have many of them, it will probably play havoc with your connection quality. I forgot to mention, if you attempt to dwnld too many files at once, of course they'll be queud. If you have your no. of dwnlds set too high, then you're going to get very low dwnld speeds. Steady as it goes with just a couple or so at once.
I hope these suggestions are helpful & points to keep in mind for contented LW use. We are very patient people. lol

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; September 30th, 2004 at 11:07 AM.
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