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Old September 30th, 2004
jmalo jmalo is offline
Join Date: September 28th, 2004
Location: Peru
Posts: 4
jmalo is flying high
Default Back to LW, very unstable

Dear Et Voilą,

I followed your instructions. Got the latest JAVA for my OSX (10.2.8) Reinstalled LW (non PRO). Again very unstable. Closes 9 out of ten times, right after I postpone the invitation to upgrade.

I attach the crash log.



Date/Time: 2004-09-30 22:15:58 -0500
OS Version: 10.2.8 (Build 6R73)
Host: Ordenador-de-Maria-Luisa-Avellan.local.

Command: LimeWire
PID: 563

Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x0000000a

Thread 0:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x90148938 in __CFRunLoopRun
#3 0x90180f04 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#4 0x969a3b70 in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
#5 0x969b3b00 in ReceiveNextEventCommon
#6 0x969dabbc in BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
#7 0x9308dcfc in _DPSNextEvent
#8 0x9309ff78 in -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
#9 0x930b1b48 in -[NSApplication run]
#10 0x95e6c114 in -[StartupUtility run]
#11 0x97e2e00c in __NSFireMainThreadPerform
#12 0x901a8f70 in __CFRunLoopPerformPerform
#13 0x9014935c in __CFRunLoopDoSources0
#14 0x90148740 in __CFRunLoopRun
#15 0x90180f04 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#16 0x92b11914 in _Z11startupJavaiiPPKcPK14__CFDictionary14BuilderVe rsionS0_S1_
#17 0x000025e8 in 0x25e8
#18 0x00001fc8 in 0x1fc8
#19 0x00001df8 in 0x1df8

Thread 1:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966d178c in JVM_FillInStackTrace
#4 0x96773728 in JVM_EnableCompiler
#5 0x96773638 in JVM_EnableCompiler
#6 0x92b1976c in startJavaApplication
#7 0x92b117e0 in _Z14java_main_stubPv
#8 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 2:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x9676d9dc in JNI_CreateJavaVM_Impl
#3 0x9676db60 in JNI_CreateJavaVM_Impl
#4 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#5 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 3:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698730 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966d172c in JVM_FillInStackTrace
#4 0x966e2e8c in JVM_RawMonitorEnter
#5 0x968630ac in JVM_UnloadLibrary
#6 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#7 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 4:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#10 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#11 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#12 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#13 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#14 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#15 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#16 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 5:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#11 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#12 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#13 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#14 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#15 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#16 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#17 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 6:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698730 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966a3314 in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
#4 0x966a33b0 in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
#5 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#6 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 7:
#0 0x90034728 in semaphore_wait_trap
#1 0x9676767c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#2 0x96767464 in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#3 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#4 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#5 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 8:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966d178c in JVM_FillInStackTrace
#4 0x9670d08c in JVM_IsConstructorIx
#5 0x966edee0 in JVM_RawMonitorEnter
#6 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#7 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#8 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 9:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01374310 in 0x1374310
#10 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#11 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#12 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#13 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#14 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#15 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#16 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#17 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 10 Crashed:
#0 0x9068ba4c in objc_msgSend
#1 0x95e99be8 in -[TabGroupAccessibility getAdditionalAttributesWithEnv:withAxContext:]
#2 0x95e8cf04 in -[JavaComponentAccessibility getAttributes]
#3 0x95e8bcc8 in -[JavaComponentAccessibility accessibilityAttributeValue:]
#4 0x95e8c138 in -[JavaComponentAccessibility accessibilityIsIgnored]
#5 0x9336e548 in NSAccessibilityUnignoredChildren
#6 0x95e8bbc8 in -[JavaChildrenAttribute getValue]
#7 0x9336da60 in NSAccessibilityChildrenOrEmptyArray
#8 0x9336e558 in NSAccessibilityUnignoredChildren
#9 0x95e8bbc8 in -[JavaChildrenAttribute getValue]
#10 0x9336da60 in NSAccessibilityChildrenOrEmptyArray
#11 0x9336e558 in NSAccessibilityUnignoredChildren
#12 0x95e8bbc8 in -[JavaChildrenAttribute getValue]
#13 0x95e8cf8c in -[JavaComponentAccessibility getChildWithEnv:forAccessible:]
#14 0x95e8cff0 in -[JavaComponentAccessibility getChildWithEnv:forAccessible:]
#15 0x95e8cff0 in -[JavaComponentAccessibility getChildWithEnv:forAccessible:]
#16 0x95e8cff0 in -[JavaComponentAccessibility getChildWithEnv:forAccessible:]
#17 0x95e8bd7c in -[JavaComponentAccessibility accessibilityFocusedUIElement]
#18 0x95e95688 in -[NSViewAWT accessibilityFocusedUIElement]
#19 0x95e9f868 in Java_apple_awt_CAccessibility_focusChanged
#20 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#21 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#22 0x01374310 in 0x1374310
#23 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#24 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#25 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#26 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#27 0x01373e30 in 0x1373e30
#28 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#29 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#30 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#31 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#32 0x01373e30 in 0x1373e30
#33 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#34 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#35 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#36 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#37 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#38 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#39 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#40 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#41 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#42 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#43 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 11:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01374310 in 0x1374310
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 12:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#10 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#11 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#12 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#13 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#14 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#15 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#16 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#17 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 13:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698730 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#9 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#10 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#11 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#12 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#13 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#14 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#15 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#16 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#17 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 14:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698730 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#10 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#11 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#12 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#13 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#14 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#15 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#16 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 15:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698730 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01374310 in 0x1374310
#9 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#10 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#11 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#12 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#13 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#14 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#15 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#16 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 16:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x01374310 in 0x1374310
#12 0x01374310 in 0x1374310
#13 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#14 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#15 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#16 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#17 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#18 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#19 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#20 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#21 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#22 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 17:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698730 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966a3224 in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
#4 0x9672b480 in JVM_Sleep
#5 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#6 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#7 0x01374310 in 0x1374310
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#10 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#11 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#12 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#13 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#14 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#15 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#16 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#17 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 18:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698730 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966a3224 in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
#4 0x9672b480 in JVM_Sleep
#5 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#6 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#9 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#10 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#11 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#12 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#13 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#14 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#15 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 19:
#0 0x9002560c in recvfrom
#1 0x7d493f7c in Java_java_net_PlainDatagramSocketImpl_receive
#2 0x0137ac4c in 0x137ac4c
#3 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#4 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#5 0x01374310 in 0x1374310
#6 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#9 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#10 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#11 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#12 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#13 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#14 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#15 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 20:
#0 0x9002560c in recvfrom
#1 0x7d493f7c in Java_java_net_PlainDatagramSocketImpl_receive
#2 0x0137ac4c in 0x137ac4c
#3 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#4 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#5 0x01374310 in 0x1374310
#6 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#9 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#10 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#11 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#12 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#13 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#14 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#15 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 21:
#0 0x9003130c in accept
#1 0x7d498df8 in Java_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketAccept
#2 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#3 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#4 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#5 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#6 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#7 0x01374310 in 0x1374310
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#10 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#11 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#12 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#13 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#14 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#15 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#16 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#17 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 22:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698730 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#12 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#13 0x01373ef0 in 0x1373ef0
#14 0x01373ef0 in 0x1373ef0
#15 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#16 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#17 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#18 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#19 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#20 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#21 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#22 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#23 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#24 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#25 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#26 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#27 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#28 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 23:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 24:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 25:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 26:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 27:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 28:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 29:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 30:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 31:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 32:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 33:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 34:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 35:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Thread 36:
#0 0x90073ba8 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
#2 0x96698694 in __cmpdi2
#3 0x966da344 in JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF
#4 0x966fdfac in JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers
#5 0x966fb248 in JVM_MonitorWait
#6 0x0137a580 in 0x137a580
#7 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#8 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#9 0x01373ec0 in 0x1373ec0
#10 0x01373fb0 in 0x1373fb0
#11 0x0137116c in 0x137116c
#12 0x966a8db8 in JVM_Read
#13 0x96753234 in JVM_StartThread
#14 0x96758340 in JVM_GC
#15 0x967582d4 in JVM_GC
#16 0x96746774 in JVM_GetClassInterfaces
#17 0x96766c7c in JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion
#18 0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

Continues until thread 48 but this window doesn't allow for all of it
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