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Old October 1st, 2004
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Morgwen Morgwen is offline
lazy dragon - retired mod
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More sources don´t mean necessary a faster download. The download speed depends on many different things.

An example if you have five hosts with each 1Kb upload speed left you can´t download faster than 5 Kb. Why it can happen that a host has only about 1 Kb upload speed?

There are two ways:
You are connected to a 56k modem user who can´t upload faster or you are connected to a faster host which offers to many upload slots and all slots are used!

The other way is you have luck and found a fast connection like you have, these people usually can offer more speed.

The main part of the net consist of users who have a 56k modem, ISDN and DSL/Cable connections. A 56k modem can offer a maximun upload speed of 4Kb with ONE slot, ISDN about 8Kb and the most DSL users around 16KB. So you have to count that many people are limiting their upload speed so that they can surf without problems. They also loose speed through the search traffic. the last question is now how many slots they are offering...

It also can happen that you found a fast connection with many free slots, this connection can offer you a high upload speed but if other people are connecting to the same source the speeds drops!

I hope you understand it now a little better why you can´t always expect more hosts = faster connection.

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