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Old October 3rd, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I 'think' you need to register as a member before you can access all the xtras such as sending pm's.

Whilst I edited your post I did not edit your answers. I actually answered to one of your threads not realising 2 others had already answered an identical thread from you. So I combined them.

Quote from the mod squad (Peerless): 'This is NOT a warez forum, and never will be...they tend to have short life spans...'

Limewire has no control over how the program is used. LW is designed for peer 2 peer sharing. It was never intended that some of the files shared might be copyright, etc. LW has no control over how the user population utilises LW & what files they choose to share/dwnld. Because you can doesn't mean you should, & certainly LW does not in any way or form condone/approve of this type of file-sharing. There's many a file out there that's being shared that is NOT bound by copyright, etc. And that applies to all types of files.

If you share/dwnld copyright material, we don't want to know about it! We could only recommend you check to make sure it's not coyright 1st.
I'm confused how any discussions about Limewire, which itself is a forum for sharing copyrighted files, could even exist without alluding to the questionable legality of p2p sharing.
I totally refute this statement b/c it's not true! This forum is about helping people who have issues in regards to using LW & some related issues they may come across. We are not totally 2 dimensional in our help. We will go as far as we feel we can (extend our help.) But bring legality into the topic & we can only suggest you read the rules or do a search for legal/illegal on this forum. We are not interested in hearing about people who use LW inappropriately or particularly about specific questions about such things.

You put the hard question to me whilst making untrue assumptions (/misgivings) along the way, well I've put the hard answer back to you. We're happy to help if you have genuine questions that relate to LW or its use.
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