Thread: 1.7
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Old September 8th, 2001
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KathW KathW is offline
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Join Date: June 23rd, 2001
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Default Couldn't wait

Well, I couldn't wait - I had to install the new 1.7 version and just see what happened.

Everything was OK - Installed as LimeWire 1.7 with the old 1.6 still there.

The new chat feature will be great when more people d/l 1.7

Love the other new features especially deselecting 1 - 3 stars, it's
much easier to search.

Don't know why but suddenly I can connect with an ISP I've never been able to connect with before. That's good news, the one I was using cost £££. But it's strange.

One problem - I d/l and overwrote an mp3 that was bad and now I have 2 versions of the same file in my library - but only 1 in my C:/. Don't understand that one.

Also my player is looking for my files in LimeWire\Shared, but they are now in LimeWire1.7\Shared.

Any suggestions to correct ?

Transferring the files back into the LimeWire\Shared and changing the path?

What's the best option?

Otherwise - GREAT STUFF!!
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