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Old October 4th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I can assure you that most movies that you find online are not as good as the commercially bought ones. You can get close though. Consider the size of a 6-8 GB movie compared to one that's 5-700 MB (perhaps 1/10th the size.) That's a lot of info to throw away in order to reduce the size!

I'm not the best to answer about dwnlding movies but files that are divx, mpeg & hopefully avi should be reasonable.
It can depend upon the quality of the app encoder used to reduce the size & also of the skills of the user. There are decent ones out there. But too many people go for the easy & cheap & nasty encoders/converters that do a disastrous job.

Make sure the movie is at least 500 MB in size. If you can, try to preview it at intervals whilst you dwnld it. Also preview it before you burn it to be sure it has no probs.

Also see this post:
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