Thread: Movie Downloads
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Old October 4th, 2004
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1stly check out the links I provided for you. I put them there for a reason - to help you to get the most/best out of LW! If you're queued from the file you're trying to dwnld, then it sounds like there's not too many sources for that movie. I'd suggest you search for more sources (re-searching the title/whatever criteria is most effective.) If there is only minimal sources for the file in question, then you may just need to be a little patient. You're not the 1st to ask about dwnlding movies & sometimes there's queues or just slow dwnlding speeds. If you've configured your system & technique according to the suggestions in the above links then chances are that if you decide to dwnld a more popular file it will be able to dwnld much faster. Sharing helps to connect to more peers & gives better search & connections results in return. Plus some people block out people who don't share more than 5, 50 oe 500, etc, files. Good luck!
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