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Old October 5th, 2004
gnome2 gnome2 is offline
Join Date: May 24th, 2004
Posts: 38
gnome2 is flying high

I don't think so. It is not possible for them to share incomplete files from ed2k on Gnutella, so we will not see that much of their content. Plus, any download from a host connected to both Gnutella and ed2k will very likely be sluggish.
The files in the incoming and temp dir wil be hashed again newhashes will be generated by edonkey and plugins . so yes the temp is shared but also the finished downloads .

gnutella need to get an system that connects clients with the same speed , would be better for those guys who really want to serve the network ,

my upload is 43 kb/s , soon it will be 130 kb/s with a program as overnet it will find partners with the same speed , i spread my files on the gnutella network ( from edonkey) and try to download some back but getting speeds of 1.5 kb/s from clients is not that good after 12 hours running . so i wonder is there any developing for gnutella , are there new things implemented or coming, where can i read that information .

gnutella is oke if everybody share, and upload with some more speed .
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