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Old June 24th, 2000
Posts: n/a
Lightbulb Misc. suggestions.

First of all, great program!!

1. The connections part.
Instead of specifying exactly how many connections we want out and in, how about setting a max and min for the total number of connections? This, and a couple of checkboxes like "Allow incoming", "Allow automatic outgoing" and "Drop outgoing connection for incoming". The last one is good so we are nice to the people behind firewalls, so they have somewhere to connect.

Another thing about connections. How much does the program look at the hop-distance and the quality of the connection? I would think that it would be possible to optimize the GnutellaNet to a certain degree by intelligently choosing what peers we want to connect with. Like spam forwarding. Do we recieve lots of spam from this particular host? Let's cut the tie with him. If not for anything else than to preserve a dial-up users bandwidth. I haven't delved too much into the protocol, but can we say something about the message exchange quality between peers? That could be another point. How about 2/3 of the connections are to be fairly close to us measured in a mix of hops and pingtimes, and 1/3 should be further away? This could lead to a more optimal message flow across longer distances, say Europe - US.

2. Search Monitor.
How about making it possible to see the local database hits returned to queries recieved?

3. Upload.
How about a counter that tells us how many files and megabytes that has been uploaded since last reset. This could be saved to the ini file as well.

That upload transfer speed, doesn't tell me very much. Fastest is five and slowest is 500? Maybe I should read the docco.

4. Bandwidth management.
There is a lot of stuff that would be cool to have here, but I'll be brief.

Total program bandwidth management is the most important one. One should be able to set how much total bandwidth this application should be able to use in and out seperatly.

The bandwidth used by a GnutellaNet app, is of course the message traffic plus the data transfers. Running graphs would be very cool. Of both types of traffic.

And there is of course all kinds of intelligence one could dream up in regards to bandwidth restrictions, up/download restrictions and prioritization (Does the recieving party serve as well? We like better those that serve!) and so on. Maybe another time!

It is a cool app, though!!!


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