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Old October 8th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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It depends upon what your cd burner will accept. Read the manual of your cd burner. 2ndly, the video/audio format could be in a format that your system doesn't recognise b/c of codecs, etc (basically the same principle for your cd burner.) See & also have a close look at mp3 apps like: QCD (a free audio player that'll play anythun') & also Audacity (a free audio editor that'll recognise all you need-but don't forget the xtras on the same dwnld page.) Now you can convert your audio file to a format your cd burner will recognise (even edit/equalise it beforehand.) Best burner apps for burning video are (1) Roxio's Easy CD/DVD Creator & (2) Nero (most recent version only!)

Should I add, Roxio (previously Adaptec) are no.1's as far as cd burn tech goes. They've been around since before the 1st dvd & long before Nero. I think it's only a distribution advantage that means most people have Nero. Nero certainly can't treat a cd like a floppy disk & Adaptec were 'the' dvd burner app of all long before dvd burning became available to the consumer market. I've used all 3! (OR should I say 5?!)!?!

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; October 8th, 2004 at 01:10 PM.
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