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Old October 9th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I'm a little lost here. If not enabling the incoming searches checkbox doesn't control the ability of people to browse your files then how is it controlled & why is it that we can browse some but not all people's shared files?

Also, doesn't the Files must share not to be a freeloader option work? Ok the freeloader 'always/rarely' slide doesn't work, as far as I can understand here. If the minimum no. of files 'does' work then that is in effect a freeloader control. When I increased this no. over a period, I noticed a great many less people were attempting to dwnld my files. Instead of having a dozen queueing up for eg, it dropped back significantly (just 2-3.) I'd like to know about what the situation is with Connection Preferencing.
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