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Old October 10th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Whoops sorry I didn't notice that. They are different addresses (I checked them before posting.) Different addresses leading to identical page. doh I thought I posted a 3rd party one about a mth ago or so. But again, patches haven't worked for everybody anyway.

All the same it 'might' be worth looking at this site for xp help (& there's a forum):

By the way, yes just b/c your connection quality is poor doesn't mean you can't dwnld, it does mean you can't search though. Do you 'force resume' files at all? These are are identifiable by status's of 'Waiting #secs for Sources' ends up as 'Awaiting Sources' (as compared to 'Need more Sources'.) I ask that b/c these files will continually send out searches of their own every # mins & 'if' you have a very large no. of them, they can affect your connection quality similar to how you described. 'If' this is the case, I'd suggest you delete at least some of these files from your dwnld window, search for sources & re-select them to dwnlnd. If you delete them, no doubt your connection quality will pick up. But this might not be your issue anyway. Just a thought.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; October 10th, 2004 at 10:05 PM.
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