Delete the preferences: search for preferences. Once you find them, delete them. Or if you'e not sure, search 'preferences' on this forum (
It's normal for files to be initially queued after LW opens. Depending upon how many files you have attempting to dwnld it may take quite a while before all the queued files have had a proper chance at connecting. If they can't connect they will show 'Need more Sources.'
If you've forced 'resume' any files, this may cause issues if you've selected 'too many' to resume. The reason is b/c these files will continually send out searches for sources every # no. of mins & eventually give up trying. If you have many of these resumed files, they will put great stress upon you connection quality by stealing your upld bandwidth & will compete with normally selected 'queued' files for time to find sources & connect; ie: it would mean you'll have queud files for a much, much, much greater amount of time. Forced resumed files can be identified by Status of 'Waiting #s for Sources' ends up as 'Awaiting Sources' (instead of Need more Sources'.)
I've found too many people choose the force resume option without realising it's side effects. But then this might not apply to you. Tell us if it does. See the tell-tale signs above to identify if it does apply to you.