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Old October 14th, 2004
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Default Re: Music filesharing can get you spyware?

Originally posted by murasame
Last I heard though, music files cannot be infected, right?
Well, yes and no: the actual music file cannot be infected, it seems that .mp3 extensions can contain macro code that WMP and Realplayer will interpret and run.
MP3s canīt be infected.

MP3 Program. While actual music files cannot be infected, files with .mp3 extensions can contain macro code that the Windows or RealNetwork media players will interpret and run. So, .mp3 files have expanded beyond pure music.
It seems that they find a security whole in the bullshit player Real player and the Mickysoft player, use an other player and you are save. the reason for this is that the developers want that their applications are better than all other and can do more things, I hope they will rework it. The best is use A PURE MP3 player.


Last edited by Morgwen; October 14th, 2004 at 01:22 AM.
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