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Old October 14th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Sounds like iTunes itself might be corrupted for some reason. Might be wise to reinstall it. IF you have any 3rd party utilities such as norton utilities 8, TechTool Pro 4 or DiskWarrior it would be well worth checking both your directories & your files. Too often of macos the directories become corrupted perhaps due to moving large quantities of files. This is not necessarily due to any app's fault.

However if you feel strongly about removing LW, then all you need to do for osx is to move the main folder to the trash. You could also trash the prefs file (do a search for Limewire.) Somehow I get the impression that LW is purely the scapegoat here b/c of a coincidental situation involving LW.

If this happened to me I wouldn't be convinced unless it happened multiple times & 1st I'd seek a solution, if none found then I'd take the same route. I've been using macs over 10 yrs & prefer to problem solve rather than to allow myself to get emotional about a situation. I've never heard of this situation happening to anyone else. Which is why I suspect it's more something to do with a problem with your HDD directories/files/etc. The closest I could think of a similar behaviour with other apps is the 1st suggestion of repairs, & reinstalling.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; October 14th, 2004 at 05:38 AM.
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