I remember reading that there were larger than 700 MB disks out on the market but the general comment was that they weren't recognised/couldn't play the last parts in all players. That's probably why they didn't get very far on the market. DVD burners can also generally burn cd's which is why I mentioned the cd choice. Some people may decid to overburn a cd than burn to dvd. My knowledge is limited as far as pc apps go, but to my knowledge, it depends upon both the burner software & the burner itself (& arguably the reliability of the media itself. - some brands of media might be moe reliable than others at overburning.) eg: I've noticed I can reliably fit more onto a Verbatim DVD-rw than a TDK dvd-rw. When the app says the blank tdk disk doesn't have enough space, then sometimes when I swap it with a verbatim, it can fit it. It seems to be not far under 100 MB difference (or perhaps 50-80 MB.)
Last edited by Lord of the Rings; October 14th, 2004 at 06:34 PM.