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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 10th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Thats a positive feature request. But the reason why download succession is so slow on the network is b/c of broadcast traffic. A lot of queries get dropped and/or the host doesnt have enough bandwidth to support their uploads. They timeout or become extremely slow. Thats why we need to focus on avoiding/reducing broadcast traffic on the network first. Broadcast traffices comsumes ~50% of your over all bandwidth. That means the other half is divided for downloading and uploading bandwidth. For example a average modem user gets ~5kbps.

2.5kbps = gnutella network traffic (queries, ping, pongs)

2.5 kbps is left for upload and download

say you're downloading and someone is downloading from you (so you're uploading)

2.5 / 2 = 1.25 kbps

1.25 kbps = for either downloading or uploading. Most of the time it just timeouts b/c the network traffic comsumes more than 50% at times. Thats why we must implement LimeWire proposed Ping Pong Scheme and Query Cache. LimeWire developers said they're going to implement it into LimeWire within the next couple of weeks.

So when broadcast traffic is only comsuming 20% of your bandwidth at the most there will be a higher download succession rate b/c people will have more bandwidth to play with.
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