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Old October 18th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Choosing force resume from the Library window-incompletes is hazardous b/c the problem with files starting from zero often happens. What I'd suggest is to search for the item using LW's search function & choose them to dwnld. If it starts from 0 %, then delete it & select another from the search results. Keep ding this. This can work, but I've recently heard it doesn't always work. It works for me & is probably more reliable than other methods. You need to find the identical source(s) for the original item you were dwnlding from.

It sounds like this is an on-going problem of yours with the dwnld preferences becoming corrupt. May I recommend you update to the latest Java, latest LW, & check your system over with utilities. You haven't mentioned which OS or version you're using. I'd suggest you check using your utilities that your directories, files, HDD, defrag, permissions, etc. are all fit & healthy. The issue of corrupted dwnld prefs was more prevalent in the earlier versions of LW & I suspect Java played a part here as well.
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