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  #372 (permalink)  
Old October 18th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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It seems a lot of people are suddenly having this issue ... makes me wonder
The no. of people who post probs here represent less than 0.1% of all users so I wouldn't necessarily agree with that statement. OSX's firewall is by default turned off. It is not a good idea to run LW in Classic envt. Better to boot into OS9 if you have a dual startup computer.

Check your Sys Prefs, Softw Update app & see if there's any java updates compatible with 10.1.5. For OSX I'd suggest it's rare for the dwnld prefs to become corrupted. Do a general maintenance run for your comp. Do a SAFE restart, & use Disk Utility to fix things. Alternatively, use the mac osx startup disk & choose disk utility & check your comp all over including repairing all permissions. See these threads (click on links): (permissions) If you have 3rd party utilities, it never hurts to give your system a run over (eg: Norton, DiskWarrior, TechTool Pro, etc.) but make sure they're update for OSX 1.5 (that's very important!)
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