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Old October 19th, 2004
georgeangelos georgeangelos is offline
Join Date: October 19th, 2004
Location: Nicosia, Cyprus
Posts: 4
georgeangelos is flying high
Angry Using P2P (incl. Limewire) drops my Internet connection

Folks, my problem is similar to one reported by others, but not quite the same. When I use any P2P s/w (such as Limewire or Acquisition), my Internet connection will drop immediately. I am at a University, so I can still see from my Mac my immediate server but nothing beyond. Even after I reboot my Mac, I don't have a connection. The connection will re-establish by itself about 20 minutes or so after I have run the P2P s/w. Any help to deal with this will be mostly appreciated. Please note that I had no problems until a couple of months ago, so I suspect that the latest Apple security releases may have caused the problem, but no one else seems to complain. Please also note that I have checked my installation and everything is as it should be: I have the firewall option off, port 6346 is open and my University does not have any firewall filters activated.
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