Thread: song help
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Old October 20th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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One of those rare hard to get ones, huh! Try varying your search options anyway. Try just the artist name or just the song name or try a general search with either or both. You can also try to make it as specific as possible.

If you are really determined to get a hold of it there's some things you can try. You may want to temporarily lift any limitations you have on search quality & speed (Tools-Options-Searching or for mac that's Prefs-Searching.) There's also an option for Local Preferencing, which can be temporarily turned off (I think it's found under Advanced.) But don't forget to change these settings back when finished.

Your file shows Awaiting Sources, which means you've also tried Resuming/Finding more Sources for the file. That can be very effective, but manual searching allows greater flexibility & potentially better results. Also try to do a search at a different time of the day (people go on/off net continually & also might not be so busy at certain times - incl. both you ip line & the network itself.) Other things that might help is to ensure you're sharing plenty of files so you're not being filtered out/preferenced by the source. Hope these suggestions help anyway.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; October 20th, 2004 at 06:19 AM.
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