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Old October 21st, 2004
dizzy izzy dizzy izzy is offline
Join Date: October 21st, 2004
Posts: 1
dizzy izzy is flying high
Unhappy Heeeelpppp: where's my music?

Hello everyone,

I registered with limewire today and i am having 3 big problems.

1. Several of my songs, although 100% done dowloading, were unable to go to the 'shared' part of the library, and instead are going to the 'incomplete'. However, the songs are completed. It says under the downloads section "could not move to library", but it is moving to the library, just not the "shared" part.

2. Even worse, the songs that are going to the 'shared' part of the library are not going to any folder in my computer, so the only way that I can access the music is through the library. When I did a search trough my computer to see if it was going somewhere and I just couldn't find it, the search came up empty.

3. All of a sudden, I can't listen to my music through the launch. I was able to for several hours, and all of a suddent I can't listen to any of the songs.

When I first started downloading I was having no problems. All my files were completing and moving to the "shared" folder in my "documents and settings". However, I found it annoying to have to go through documents and settings so I copied the folder onto my desktop. Since then, my problems have started.

What should I do?

Thanks everyone.

Last edited by dizzy izzy; October 21st, 2004 at 01:25 AM.
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