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Old September 10th, 2001
The Seeker The Seeker is offline
Panthera Onca
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
Location: CA
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people seem to see more than i do and can download the unfinished downloads
not even i can play them (i know they are in /xolox/temp dir but in different names"
how could it be they cab download them from me /program files/xolox/temp is not shared


i can guess now.
has it to do with segmented downloading ?
so xolox publish my unfinished downloads to other xolox users so they can download the first part from me and other parts from other servers?

There are three things which XoloX shares without the option not to:

1) Itself. To make sure everyone has the latest version, the program auto-updates by downloading from users with the higher version.

2) The /XoloX/Downloads directory. This forces you to get somewhat organized or share everything you download. It makes almost every XoloX user contribute soemthing to the network.

3) Currently active downloads. I'm guessing it goes by the resumeinfo.txt file. Not just the first segment is shared, any segment of the file you have that they don't is good to use. I haven't seen a 'partial' that's being sent out to a user be over 5000000 bytes, but I've seen it less. This feature, while helping to propogate large and/or popular files faster, also makes sure EVERY XoloX user that is downloading is sharing something; at least to other XoloX users.

So yes, the only people downloading stuff from you that is not yet complete are other XoloX users, and it does have to do with. segmented downloads.