[LOTR--I'm watching the vm too--without using the "browse host", just to get a bit of a benchmark. The VM has been rising slowly]
Sam, re the Priority controls: a control-click on the buttons would be handy to shift a file to the top (bottom) of the queue.
Also--I did some more proofreading of the TOTD entries, but the notes are a bit long. . . .
Re the menus in 4.1.6:
Exposé's F10 is sure useful--that's the easiest way to get the focus on the necessary LW window when the "About' 'TOTD' 'Prefs' stc are open
Help->Review LimeWire
http://www.limewire.com/english/content/review.shtml gives "This page is temporarily disabled"
Help->Tell A Friend
http://www.limewire.com/english/cont...l_friend.shtml shows that it was last updated 05/18/04
Help->FAQ-"LimeWire PRO Specific Questions -- NEW!" Good idea. Hope that cuts down on the forum requests.
The About box scrolled quite slowly and jerkily. This is unusual.