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Old October 23rd, 2004
sol1869 sol1869 is offline
Join Date: October 16th, 2004
Location: In the Murwillumbubble, NSW
Posts: 12
sol1869 is flying high
Question Is it possible to upgrade my LimeWire?

Hi Y'all!

I have 4.0.5 pro, and I'm keen to try 4.0.8 cos theyve talked it up pretty well, do i have to wait until my sub runs out to get the latest? or is there an upgrade option somewhere ......

One interesting idea I just had is..... LimeWireBank!!! All you'd need is password protection. Each byte could represent 1 dollar!!! Yeaaah! Think about it! Each dollar is just a bit of plastic right, in a world full of bits of plastic, just that the dollars represent money! So..., "Money Bytes" would represent money too, eventually replacing it of course. But you'd have to be careful not to mix up your "money bytes" with all the other bytes huh. Upon reflection, the appeal of this idea rests mainly on the appeal of the logo... but ..

Anyways, great service this LimeWire hey. That Bitzi lookup is a great feature - next time i d'load a dodgy file i'll bitzify it to let you all know about it. Please feel free to do the same.

peace in,

Last edited by sol1869; October 23rd, 2004 at 07:26 AM.
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