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Old October 23rd, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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1. The FAQ needs some updating. It was intended for earlier versions of LW & OS8-9. I recently made a similar remark as well elsewhere & wasn't the 1st.

2. Depending upon the types of files you normally dwnld it's wise to add: .jpg, .exe & .wmv & I've heard recently also .wma to your keyword filters (ie: LW Prefs-Filters & keyword.) It makes a big difference & doesn't waste as much of yur search energy on junk!

The problem with blocking those types of hosts is that many have dynamic ips; meaning that each time they log on they have a different ip address. So one of those addresses you my have blocked out might be just a normal user like you or me. They/we may have adopted that address as our new address.
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