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Old September 11th, 2001
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Talking Running LimeWire under SuSE-Linux

Hi Volk.
So, it seems so that many people have problems to run LimeWire under SuSE Linux with the original JDK1.1.8.
The answer is very simple. LimeWire does not work with this Runtime. So you must install a newer version of the Java-Runtime.

You have the possibility to download it from Sun or IBM, or simple take the newer Runtime from your original SuSE-Installation-CD. You can find it in the "pay"-section (i don't know if this location also fit for SuSE-Version befor 7.0).
There you can find the IBMjava2-SDK1.3 and the SunJava2-SDK. These pakages also includes the JRE, but they are needet for the next steps. Only the JRE won't be enought.
Which pakage you prefere, it is up to you. Both are version 1.3.0, and that is new enough for LimeWire. I personaly prefere the IBM-version. You only need once.

So, lets bring your SuSE to work all the time and not only for LimeWire with the newer Java Developer Kit.

First a smal excursion about Java and SuSE.
If you make any Java-requests on your system, the systempath therefor is /usr/lib/java. That is not a directory, it is a symbolical link that points on the Java Developer Kit your system use. So we have to modify this link to the newer version of your Runtime:

All the following steps must be done as root:

For SuSE 7.2 there is a very simple an effektiv way to do that (not perfekt, but it will work):
1. Go to the directory /usr/lib and rename your original symbolical Java-link (that points on the jdk1.1.8) from "java" e.g. to "java-1.1.8" or simple remove it.
2. create with "ln -s /usr/lib/jdk1.3 /usr/lib/java" a new link on the newer Java Developer kit
3. you have to modify the rc.config (you can do that e.g. with yast under Administration -> change configuration). There you have to set the entry "create_javalink" to NO. Otherwise SuSEconfig will restore the original link the next time it runs.
That it is for SuSE 7.2

For all versions of SuSE:
1. change to /sbin/conf.d/ and open with an editor the file "SuSEconfig.alljava"
2. Find the following line:
JAVALINKTO=`rpm -q java java2 IBMJava2-SDK ibmjava2 2>/dev/null | sed s,-[^-]*-[^-]*$,,g | head -n 1`

Simple explaind: Here SuSEconfig is told, which JDK to prefere. "java" stands here for the JDK1.1.8, "java2" for the Sun1.3, "IBMJava2-SDK" for the IBM1.3 ....
So simple remove the first entry "java" from this line and when you only have installed one of the newer SDK-Pakages, it is enough. If you have installed both pakages, the system will first take the "Sun" and than "IBM". You can change the direction if you want.
So, it has to look something like this:
JAVALINKTO=`rpm -q java2 IBMJava2-SDK ibmjava2 2>/dev/null | sed s,-[^-]*-[^-]*$,,g | head -n 1`

If you use the IBM-pakage, you also have to remove the "javarunt"-entry from the next line, the "JRELINKTO=..."

3. Copy a file called ".java_wrapper" from "/usr/lib/jdk1.1.8/bin" to your new SDK-bin-directory, normaly "/usr/lib/jdk1.3/bin"

4. Run "SuSEconfig" and the system will create the new Java-link and will further use the newer JDK each time

Now you can change in the directory where you have extracted LimeWire and can run it by using "sh" or simple ""
That it is.

Hope it will help some people (and sorry for my english).

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