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Old October 26th, 2004
sol1869 sol1869 is offline
Join Date: October 16th, 2004
Location: In the Murwillumbubble, NSW
Posts: 12
sol1869 is flying high

4.2?!? Great!! Limewire just keeps getting better & better!

On that note...You wouldnt be able to swing a local Limewire t-shirt run would you? I mean, being a super mod and all. I'm sure it'd boost local & sthrn hemisphere sales ! Bang em on eBay!!! havent heard of that place, to be frank it sounds pretty austere. Jeez the outbackers do it tough! Hats off to them. We have is pretty good here... there arent so many cane toads, just the odd one or two... SO FAR. I'm waiting on the porch for em, with ma dubble barrel shotgun. But first I'll set the wommies on em...

with best regards,
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