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Old October 27th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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May I suggest you update your Java. Also check your overall system. There's a high chance that your Search & Destroy utility has deleted some essential Windows support files. See the links below to see what I mean.

Many people who use a mac are well aware that using out of date or poorly written utilities can do much more damage to your system than good. Same principle applies here.

A quote from a LW software developer "Because Pest Patrol is poorly written."

Here's some more points:

Search & Destroy will find anything anywhere to make you believe your money was well spent. It does not like any p2p app. May I recommend you get a TRUE utility for the purpose instead of using one that gives you inaccurate & false reports. Try these for a start: -ad-ware
-Spy Sweeper

But if you're 'so' SOLD with S & D & are blind to it's problems. So be it. Do elsewhat or whatever.

You could always TRY the LW beta Pro 4.1.7 which has many improvements. It's great! (see: OR for details & Pro: why don't you check the beta pro & tell us what your S & D says & that'll be proof S&D doesn't work properly!!! lol)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; October 27th, 2004 at 06:51 AM.
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