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Old September 13th, 2001
The Seeker The Seeker is offline
Panthera Onca
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
Location: CA
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Default Requested.

On 9/1/2001 4:13:35 PM

As noted in my half-ranty post on the rant board, I would like to see the technologies presented in XoloX find their way into all clients, not just XoloX. I think a really great 'feature' would be for some open communication to happen between devs for a change so that the g'net can become a better place for everyone.

Hi Seeker,

We discussed you proposal here and agree with your point of view that it is beneficial for the Gnet to share the technology behind some of our features.
However, right now we're not sure whether things are a 100% functional, so we would like to keep testing things for a while before 'releasing' any information about how we do it.
Right now we're still a Gnet client with a relatively small marketshare and if something does not work very well, the performance of the Gnet is not being risked. So we plan to release the information you are referring to, but first we want to make sure things are worth sharing.
