Well personally if I have that problem where it runs thru the loop several times (eg: gets to 99% & then jumps back to 80+%), then I'd delete it. It's probably corrupt at the source. If LW detects some missing parts, it will attempt to redwnld those parts. Why it can't get that last bit is a mystery to me, but I suspect it could be corrupt at the source or I suppose there's a hashing error somewhere as Ursula pointed out.
If I really wanted that file I'd try again from another source if it were possible.
For veejay's problem, I'd suggest searching for more sources. Perhaps also deleting it from the dwnld list & re-selecting to dwnld from the search results. Doing this can urge it on sometimes or connect with a healthier source (By deleting from the dwnld list I mean ONLY from the dwnld pane below the search results. ie: search window) |