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Old June 27th, 2000
Neo_Geo Neo_Geo is offline
Join Date: June 25th, 2000
Posts: 12
Neo_Geo is flying high

Well, I can see why you would not want the blocker list to be saved and why you even suggest it should be automatically cleared every so often. You could argue that it goes against the "open" nature of Gnutella as a whole to be able to block certain searches from propogating through your client (on an ongoing basis).

BUT..... Because Gnutella is open sourced, individuals can do whatever they want, and I may not want my compter being used to help distribute certain propoganda (some of which is obviously illegal, and I don't mean MP3s). I, personally, would like to be able to specify what I don't want propogating through my computer and keep that list at my own discression.

You can argue all you want, but in the end it comes down to CHOICE. People can choose to ignore what their client propogates or they can block something they don't believe in.

Perhaps we could have two types of item in the block list: one temporary in which Gnotella detects flooding and spamming and Gnotella can clear, and one permanent that the user can control according to his/her discression.

Not everyone may agree with me, but that is their CHOICE. I just want to have the CHOICE of blocking what I want while still supporting Gnutella.
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