ok, first of all, generally, it's a great FS program! I love how it can filter out bad files... specially in the MP3 section.. i hate those lemon files!!!!!
Ok, with that set aside, here are my rants which i hope you guys have a cure for......
1) Even when disconnected the darn thing contiunes to download and upload.
2) There seems to be no way to pause downloads in limewire?
3) There's no way to MANUALL clear the successfuly downloaded files.. clear inactive also cleared my darn que'd files!!
4) There seems to be no setting for Auto Resume/find sources ever X seconds?
5) Im not sure about this but it seems limewire dwells in the GNU network only.. what about torrents and other networks which is actually supported by shareaza.com
6) When my download is interupted due to disconnection, upon reconnection the darn thing doesnt seem to resume...
I connected last nght with limwire before i went to sleep.. apparently, a few minutes later i got disconnected.. and my pc had to redial.. got a successful connection yes.. limewire i believe reconnected yes.. but the darn downloads didnt resume themselves..

wasted time and internet.