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Old November 3rd, 2004
greedyjames greedyjames is offline
Join Date: November 3rd, 2004
Posts: 7
greedyjames is flying high
Default Internal error message-Help

Ok have been using lime wire for a few months back in the spring with no problem, then i had a time where i didn;t have net access so now that i'm back online, have come to use it again, have upgraded to latest version but i keep getting the same problem, it starts running very slow and i get the'beachball of death' (its a mac) and then a box appears saying there is an internal error, would i like to send a report. I've tried setting to all the different options (yes send a report, show a review and never send a report and none of them work) Most times i have to force quit the programme
its getting really annonying.
Any help to fix this wuld be appreciated
(i have broadband internet access now where as before i had dial up)
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