Hmm... With movies sometimes a larger file with the same name is not really the same... and with MP3s the feature you are requesting will almost always result in corruption...
This is untested.
If it doens't work
Don't complain. /¯\Disclaimer/¯\
If you want to trick XoloX into resuming , try adding the following to your resumeinfo.txt:
# <- A job # that isn't in use.
blah blah blah <- Search query to find the file, eg: "matrix divx" (no quotes)
x:\path\xolox\downloads\filename.ext <- use exact file name to download
######### <- new (larger) file size
00000000 <- CRC (dissabled, so it's 0's)
# <- # of failed segments (set to 0, unless you like seeing a number there)
NONSAVE <- If other downloads have something else here, use that instead.
SEGMENT <- start segment info
1 <- segment 1
x:\Path\XoloX\temp\JOB-Segment#-1.xlx <- # = job number
0 <- denotes start of file
38731181 <- length of already downloaded segment (in bytes) minus 2048
Then just copy/move your partial file to x:\path\XoloX\Temp\JOB-Segment#-1.xlx and start XoloX.
Last edited by The Seeker; September 16th, 2001 at 04:03 AM.