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Old November 12th, 2004
happysnaps happysnaps is offline
Join Date: October 21st, 2004
Posts: 7
happysnaps is flying high

I should also clarify that when I add a cd to iTunes I allow it to connect to the internet where it then goes to CDDB and finds all the information-Album,Artist, song Tile,etc.

I use my iTunes music folder as my limewire shared folder as well.

When the songs are added to iTunes all the data shows up in iTunes but only the song titles show up in Limewire (Although the album title folders are off to the left in the library pane.

This is when I use Rage mp3. I go into my iTunes/Limewire shared folder and use the CDDB tool of Rage to tag as described in my first post. The "Balloons", with all the information shows up initially, but on subsequent LW restarts the "Balloons" disappear.


I'll try it with Quick Edit and see what happens unless someone senses an egregious error in my tagging attempts.

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