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Old November 15th, 2004
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ursula ursula is offline
Cleaning Lady
Join Date: May 17th, 2002
Location: koyaanisqatsi
Posts: 2,334
ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Do a search here, within these Gnutella Forums, for


The total nearly amounts to an university course on said subject of 'legality'...


"All seas China seas..."


The Red White and Blue radiation factor laws do NOT apply everywhere on this crazy ball we inhabit !

Laws vary enormously AND frequently...

It is also most worth it to recall the history of the Musicassette and to ponder on who it is that is manufacturing the recordable CDs of today and the allied mega-buck$ industries that thrive on all aspects of file copying...

The true conflicts are between companies... The randomly selected dumb user who is haplessly plastered all over the media as the latest crazed destroyer of the entire capitalist system is just a diversion from the games of the real players.

Do... Do... Do investigate the minor details of just exactly WHO OWNS NAPSTER 2...



and then

Last edited by ursula; November 15th, 2004 at 07:52 AM.
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