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  #130 (permalink)  
Old November 15th, 2004
Posts: n/a
Default reply to moderator: connectivity problems

Haven't checked for upgrade as it's a cable company owned modem. I am in Europe, which may be why you haven't seen much on it. I'll check with Motorolas pages and see if there is a mac runnable update. I don't have firewalls turned on at the moment, and while there are three computers sharing the network, the others are barely active. My line is 2 mbits, so it should tolerate three machines ...only one of which is doing any heavy downloading...or at least trying to.

system info as comes up in bug report:
LimeWire version 4.1.10
Java version 1.4.2_05 from Apple Computer, Inc.
Mac OS X v. 10.3.5 on ppc
Free/total memory: 11073008/19988480

I found 4.1.10 via, though your webpages say that 4.0.8 was the newest...had same error with that version. Limewire has worked fine until the last few days aside from occational crashes...mostly at night.

I had some connection earlier today, but after having to force quit it and restart, it is not connecting at all again. Others are reporting trouble connecting to gnutella via other multi system programs as well. The one program was able to connect after changing the stable nodes file in it's gnutella folder.
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