Thank you, you've answered half of my questions. OS is Operating system. Are you aware of having any firewalls? Have a close look at your modem or where the modem connects to the 1st computer or midway device. Find out its name & there should be a model no. on the top, side or bottom. How is your system setup? Does the modem connect to your computer or another or to a midway device such as a router or switcher? ALL these details are very important so we DO NEED to know what these specific devices are so we can solve your problem. Don't rush, make sure you have all the answers to all these questions before you repost. If you have XP then you have XP firewall. Have you seen how to give LW access through it? See here: & then do this test:
Bug Report test & sample image- click me After yo have done the XP firewall configuration, then do the bug report & post back whether it's True or False. Another thing you can try is deleting LW's prefs folder found here: C:/Documents And Settings/your_username/.limewire