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Old November 18th, 2004
trap_jaw4 trap_jaw4 is offline
Join Date: May 16th, 2003
Posts: 1,118
trap_jaw4 is flying high

I don't believe the people at LimeWire intend to implement everything but the kitchen sink in their software. - And if they tried that, it would most definitely suck.

There is already really good software to burn CDs/DVDs, try looking at

Also, don't confuse LimeWire with a regular media player, LimeWire's player is not really meant to compete against stand-alone media players, - try iTunes:

It is difficult to gather the top-10 downloads information in the client. And I for one wouldn't like LimeWire to keep track of what files the user downloads.
For file-sharing top-10 see here:
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