The reason I was asking how long you've had this problem is that a no. of people have had issues after uupdating to OS 10.3.6 On person suggested to use the standalone Combo update instead. Another suggested to use the
Standalone Java installer which has surprisingly helped a no. of people in a very short time. People who previously did fine with LW. But after updating OSX they came up with different behaviours from LW. This suggests some issues with updating online! Try the standalone Java installation. LW is created from Java & runns on Java. The most recent version of LW was put together using the ost recent versions of Java!
The reason I was asking about your devices & your incoming test is in case you have a NAT modem but didn't know it. Sure you might be able to dwnld with it but you also might be limited & people uplding from you might be minimal to what it should be. If your result is false, it suggests you might need to forward a port to enable LW much greater access.