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Old November 23rd, 2004
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Morgwen Morgwen is offline
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Default Re: NEW features— we NEED

Originally posted by
Okay— when I send an E-mail
it MIGHT go to a thousand people - at the SAME time.

So— WHY can't the data from my file
be headed to MORE THAN ONE person ?
Just compare the speed of your line and the speed of the line of your provider, look which other hardware your e-mail provider has and you have the anwser.

THIS is the reason— we get BUMPED
when we try to download. And why the download
No the reason is that you can´t compare P2P with downloading from big fast servers. Read a few articles about P2P.

WHEN there are
128 copies of the same file—
it oughta download to my computer -at at least
400kps— if not 1,500kps.
This prooves that you don´t know anything about P2P, do a little research before you come here and claim things that only exist in your dreams.


Last edited by Morgwen; November 23rd, 2004 at 12:41 PM.
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