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Old November 24th, 2004
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verdyp verdyp is offline
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Default strange AWT deadlocking itself on X11

Isn't it strange that the same thread has both acquired the lock, and is now waiting for itself the same lock?

- waiting on <0xcd970220> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Unknown Source)
at Source)
- locked <0xcd970220> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock)

It looks like an unexpected behavior in AWT, probably coming from a compatibility issue between AWT (a core component of Java2D for graphic display) and the version of X11 (XFree86 or running on your Redhat installation, possibly because some normally mandatory display event was captured by some tools.

Do you use the regular (RedHat supported) version of the X-Window display server?

So, if you use instead of XFree86, you should know that this is a split from the historic XFree86 branch, which is still in beta, and not widely tested. I suggest you reinstall XFree86 instead if you have changed for a beta version of (Java2D has still not been tested on the implementation, given that XFree86 was until very recently the top windowing system for Linux on PC desktops).

Do you use some custom desktop window manager, instead of the standard Redhat-supported desktop?

Do you use some mouse-enhancing tools, that capture the mouse and don't release it correctly, so that the windowing tree of your desktop gets garbled?
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