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Old November 24th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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my actual internet connection is through a motorola modem
victoria.hoffman: Can you tell us your modem model number. Let's hope you don't have 2 devices in a row that use NAT.

indiegirl2000: I'm not sure what your problem is it could be anything, but it doesn't sound like a NAT modem/router issue. Check this for optimising your LW: A well set-up LW can start to automatically continue its dwnlding after it's settled down perhaps 2 out of 3 times you open LW. Optimising LW & Maximising Uplds & Dwnlds A (1st post only) & also Part B which is even better & last & least are search & dwnld hints. Don't 'Resume' too many files using the Resume function, it's much better to manually search for them. It can potentially cause have with LW's connection quality.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; November 24th, 2004 at 01:46 PM.
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