OK... I've posted this before but its now so far down the thread I can't find it. I will also be appending to the message. The last message wasn't made sticky because it didn't follow forum rules. So here it is again. Someone sticky this please.
After not being able to connect for weeks I began searching my registry for LimeWire.
After several mins. of searching I came across this registry key.
My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Wind
Now if you don't know how to edit the registry you SHOULD NOT attempt this as this is the brain of windows and you could destroy your installation. But INSTANTLY after I removed this KEY I was able to Connect at Turbo Charged Status again.
Does removing this key have any adverse affects? Or is this the ban by windows mentioned in my last post?
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After some research with a debugger, and some carefully made logging tools, I've figured out when this key gets added. It seems to be a type of ban for having too many out going connections.
There is a simple fix for this problem. When you go to leave limewire cancel all remaining downloads. When limewire starts up it usually won't wind up banned for just connecting to the network. Its when it tried to connect to tons of users at the exact same time. So when you have a list of stuff still in queue to download and the program opens and tries to connect to the network plus your downloads, it reaches the max socket limit that windows has incorperated to stop the email spam virii.
A simpler solution to this? Possibly, the programmers of limewire could put a limit on total sockets the program is allowed to use at a time. I believe windows seems to dislike 32 sockets or more opening at one time from one program.
Anyways. I just still saw a lot of posting here about the problem and I was contacted by a moderator to tell me he'd like to see me on the forums again =) So here I am and here it is. Happy downloadings all