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Old November 30th, 2004
Global Mutiny Global Mutiny is offline
Join Date: November 30th, 2004
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Default iTunes help.

I have iTunes and I also have the latest version of LimeWire basic. I can download everything and they will all go into iTunes fine. It's just that the songs are put into a different location than my library. They are put into a location called "Owner's LimeWire Tunes". It has an option to "Disconnect Owner's LimeWire Tunes" just like the iPod does. My question is, how do I move those songs into my library? I've tried everything I know how and nothing seems to work. My OS is Windows XP Home.

PS When I copy a CD to my computer it will automatically go into my library but whenever I download off LimeWire the files go into the folder I specified above.

Any help is appreciated.
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