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Old December 4th, 2004
Peacock Lady Peacock Lady is offline
Join Date: December 4th, 2004
Posts: 6
Peacock Lady is flying high
Default Cannot play ANY avi files downloaded from lw

I am new to Limewire , but not to p2p sharing. Infact I thought I was quite an expert until i started to use Limewire. I have never had problems with downloaded movies in any other p2p program, including bearshare , however , EVERY avi movie i have dowloaded from Limewire will not play on any of my players. I get the error message "file format not supported"!
It seems typical that this is the only program I have had to pay for as well.
I am using Windows xp, and Limewire version 4.0.8.
I really hope someone can help me.
Thanks in anticipation.
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