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Old December 9th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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You can also use a general type search by typing in artist name - title
Keep in mind lot's of people don't label their tunes & other files correctly.

When you do a search, click on the one the files in the results & then, to the left of the results you can select options: Media (click on one of these to show just that type of media), Artist (click on your prefered artist to show just those results), Album (click on one of these to show just songs that belong to that album.)

Also you can arrange the results by clicking/double-clicking on the top of the column bar & LW will arrange results that way. eg: double-click name & it will arrange results alphabetically, double-click size & it will show the biggest files at the top, etc. This principle applies to all LW's main windows including dwnld list, upld window, & library.

Also if you right-click on the column bar you have more display options. Likewise if you right-click on the filename you will get more options. Hope this answers your questions.
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