Could you both mention what Gnutella Network clients were UpLoading to you ? In other words, were you DownLoading from another LW user or BearShare or Shareaza or what ???
Also, it is worth having a bit of a study on how files are now transferred......
In the vast majority of cases you do not DownLoad a file in sequential order starting from the 'first notes of a song', for example...
If you were D/Ling the alphabet, you would almost certainly NOT start with the letter 'A' !
It may be downloaded in the order - Z,F,J,Y,C,W,I,P... and so forth... this is also a partial cause of so-called 'problems' when trying to 'preview' an incomplete file -
And, with some clients you will not be receiving exactly the most precise info re: the progress of a file transfer. |